Diversifying product sourcing: alternatives to China

Diversifying your product sourcing and exploring alternatives to manufacturing in China can be a complex process. However, it can be a rewarding decision that can help you to reduce your costs, improve your quality, and mitigate your risks.

Product sourcing alternatives

For many years, China has been the go-to destination for businesses looking to manufacture products. However, in recent years, there has been a growing trend of businesses diversifying their product sourcing and exploring alternatives to manufacturing in China. This is due to a number of factors, including the trade war with the United States, the COVID-19 pandemic, and rising labour costs in China.

It’s important to note that not all products are suitable for sourcing outside of China. Some products, such as electronics and high-tech goods, are still best manufactured in China due to the country’s expertise and infrastructure.

Diversifying your product sourcing and exploring alternatives to manufacturing in China can be a complex process. However, it can be a rewarding decision that can help you to reduce your costs, improve your quality, and mitigate your risks. Zignify Global Product Sourcing Company will help you navigate the complexities and find the perfect match for your unique needs.

Below, we have written a comprehensive guide for you to address critical questions about product sourcing outside of China and provide insights into the best countries for manufacturing.

Understanding what products to source outside of China

China has long been known as a one-stop-shop for manufacturing, but other countries are starting to offer more competitive options. However, it’s important to focus on price-sensitive products and products that are not time-sensitive when sourcing from other countries. This is because other countries may not have the same level of efficiency in their supply chains as China.

When sourcing suppliers and manufacturers outside of China, it’s important to understand the different industries and products that each country specialises in. For example, Vietnam is known for its electronics manufacturing, while India is known for its textiles and apparel manufacturing.

When sourcing from countries outside of China, it’s important to be aware of the following:

  • The cost of manufacturing
  • The quality of manufacturing
  • The lead time for manufacturing
  • Your target market
  • The type of product
  • Your budget

Tips for sourcing outside of China

It’s important to remember that the process is different. Here are some tips to have in mind:

Be proactive

One common mistake is expecting suppliers in other countries to operate in the same way as Chinese suppliers. China has a very competitive market, which means that suppliers are quick to respond to enquiries. However, in other countries, the market may not be as competitive, and suppliers may not be as responsive.

This means being clear about your needs and expectations, and following up promptly if you don’t hear back from a supplier within a reasonable time frame. By being proactive, you can increase your chances of getting a timely response from a supplier, and you can avoid any delays in the manufacturing process.

Do your research

Before you start sourcing, it’s important to research the different countries that are available to you. Consider factors like labour costs, quality control, and shipping times.

Build relationships

Once you’ve chosen a few countries to source from, it’s important to build relationships with suppliers. This will help you ensure that you’re getting the best possible prices and quality.

Be prepared for challenges

Sourcing products outside of China can be challenging. There may be language barriers, cultural differences, and logistical challenges. However, if you’re prepared for these challenges, you can reap the rewards of diversifying your supply chain.

Be clear about your needs

When you’re first starting out, it’s important to be clear about what you’re looking for in a supplier. This includes things like the quality of the product, the lead time, and the price.

Visit the supplier in person

If possible, it’s a good idea to visit the supplier in person. This will give you a chance to see the manufacturing process firsthand and to meet the people who will be working on your product. If this isn’t possible, partner with a reliable sourcing company like Zignify Global Product Sourcing who will be your ears and eyes on the ground.

Set realistic expectations

It is important to set realistic expectations when sourcing products outside of China. The cost of products, the quality of products, and the delivery time may not be the same as what you are used to when sourcing from China.

Challenges you are likely to encounter and their solutions


Language barriers

If you don’t speak the language of the country you are sourcing from, this can be a challenge. You may need to use a translator or hire a sourcing agent who can help you communicate with suppliers.

Solution: Hire a local translator or work with a sourcing agent who is fluent in the language of the country you are sourcing from. This will not only help you bridge the language gap between and your suppliers by ensuring effective communication.


Cultural differences

Cultural differences can also be a challenge. For example, in some countries, it is customary to haggle over prices, while in others, it is not. It is important to be aware of these differences and to adjust your expectations accordingly.

Solution: Do your research on the culture of the country you are sourcing from. This will help you to avoid any misunderstandings or cultural faux pas. Showing appreciation and asking questions to understand the local culture is highly beneficial. Embrace the opportunity to explore different cultures and learn from them.


Logistical challenges

Shipping products from one country to another can be challenging. You need to factor in the cost of shipping, as well as the time it will take for the products to arrive. You also need to make sure that the products are properly packaged to avoid damage during shipping.

Solution: Work with experienced freight forwarders who specialise in the specific regions you are sourcing from. They can help optimise your shipping routes, handle customs clearance, and manage the logistics efficiently. Consider diversifying your shipping options to mitigate risks and ensure timely delivery.


Quality control

The quality of products from suppliers outside of China can vary. You need to do your research and find suppliers who have a good reputation for quality. You may also want to consider having the products inspected by a third party before you place an order.

Solution: Consider hiring third-party inspection services to conduct inspections and tests at different stages of production to ensure compliance with your specifications and quality standards. It’s also important ask for samples before mass production and ensure quality control is done during mass production.


Trade regulations

Trade regulations can vary from country to country. It is important to be aware of the trade regulations of the countries you are sourcing from.

Solution: Do your research on the trade regulations of the countries you are sourcing from. Make sure you are in compliance with the regulations before you make a deal.



Tariffs can be imposed on imported goods and this can increase the cost of your products.

Solution: Be aware of the tariffs that may be imposed on your products. Factor in the potential cost of tariffs when you are making a deal.


Limited supplier options

Sourcing from a specific region or niche market may limit your supplier options, making it difficult to find the right partners.

Solution: Expand your search by attending industry trade shows, networking events, and online sourcing platforms to connect with a wider range of suppliers. Consider leveraging sourcing agents or consultants with expertise in the specific market you are targeting. Zignify Global Product Sourcing comes highly recommended for searching reliable manufacturers.


Different product standards and regulations

Each country may have different product standards, certifications, and regulations that you need to comply with.

Solution: Research and familiarize yourself with the relevant standards and regulations of the target country. Work closely with suppliers to ensure their products meet the required specifications and obtain the necessary certifications or compliance documentation.


Longer lead times

Sourcing from distant countries can result in longer lead times, impacting your ability to meet customer demands or respond to market trends quickly.

Solution: Plan your sourcing and production timelines meticulously, taking into account longer transit times. Maintain clear communication with suppliers to ensure transparency regarding production schedules and shipping arrangements. Consider air freight options for time-sensitive orders.

What are the top products manufactured outside China?

Countries like Germany, Japan, the United States, South Korea, and Mexico are known for their automobile manufacturing industries.

Countries such as South Korea (Samsung, LG), Japan (Sony, Panasonic), the United States (Apple, Microsoft), and Taiwan (Foxconn) are major producers of electronic devices and components.

India, the United States, Switzerland, Germany, and Ireland are among the leading countries in pharmaceutical manufacturing.

The United States, France, Russia, Germany, and the United Kingdom are known for their aerospace and defense manufacturing capabilities.

Countries like Bangladesh, Vietnam, India, Turkey, and Italy are significant producers of fashion and apparel items.

Manufacturers of home appliances are distributed globally, with notable production taking place in South Korea (Samsung, LG), the United States (Whirlpool), Germany (Bosch, Siemens), and Sweden (Electrolux).

Countries like Italy, Germany, the United States, Poland, and Vietnam are known for their furniture manufacturing industries.

Various countries excel in food and beverage production, such as the United States, Brazil, Germany, Japan, and the Netherlands.


As the world becomes increasingly interconnected, businesses must adapt and embrace new opportunities. Diversifying product sourcing beyond China is no longer a mere option but a strategic necessity. Vietnam, South Korea, Mexico, India, and Africa are just a few of the promising alternatives that hold immense potential.

By leveraging the unique strengths, resources, and advantages of these manufacturing destinations, businesses can unlock growth, resilience, and a competitive edge in the dynamic global marketplace. Embrace the great shift, explore the possibilities, and embark on an exciting journey to reshape your sourcing strategy. The world is waiting.


Want to learn about sourcing?

If so, you don’t want to miss Sebastian Herz’s upcoming session at the Amazon Conference later this year! In this insightful session, Sebastian will share his expertise on “How to Find Manufacturers in China and the Rest of the World, and How to Save a Lot of Money in Sourcing.” Take advantage of this exclusive opportunity to learn from an industry expert and stay ahead. Reserve your spot now and secure your pathway to Amazon selling excellence! Then, register and secure your seat at the conference.